It is truly liberating to start up your own business. It is your pride and joy, your dream, your vision come to life. However, sustaining it consistently and lucratively over a prolonged duration of time is challenging.


Many upcoming entrepreneurs take the plunge, unfortunately despite the hard work, dedication and investments, they are unable to achieve the success they aspire for. Numerology can give you answers to this. With the help of numerology, they can plan and can take precautions to avoid any chances of failure. 

Every Planet/Number vibrates with some definite frequency. When frequency of vibration of planets are harmonious, they attract each other and show friendship and if their frequencies of vibration are not in harmony, they will behave indifferently & show enmity.

To explain it, let us presume, there are three persons who are joining hands & want to invest their time and money to make their start-up a profitable venture:

1. KARAN KAUSHIK, Date of Birth 24th July,1995

2. PREET GUPTA, Date of Birth 22nd April,1996

3. STAVINDER SINGH, Date of Birth 21st November,1997

The Name is very important and powerful. If 2 or 3 persons plan to join together, they must check the harmony between their Name numbers, their Psychic Numbers and their Destiny numbers.

1. (A) Compatibility of Initial Alphabet of Name

Every alphabet of the Name is assigned a Number. Each alphabet keeps vibrating with some definite frequency. The first alphabet of the name is most important, as it will take the leading role. So, first of all, we must see the first alphabets of partner’s names. They should vibrate with similar frequencies. So, in this case we see the first alphabet of Karan Kaushik is ‘K’ having value as 2, Preet Gupta is ‘P’ having value 8 and Satvinder Singh is ‘S’ having value 3. So, we should see whether number 2 is in harmony with number 8 & 3. Yes, they are in harmony, so it is a good start. 

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