UK visa: How you can get one in Britains new immigration system

UK visa: The British government has outlined a new immigration system to manage the flow of workers into the country and replace existing rules from Jan. 1 2021, when Britain will no longer be subject to European Union regulations.

Here are details of the points-based new UK visa system which will be applied:

Written By: Reuters
Updated on: February 19, 2020, 02.53 PM IST

Skilled Workers

EU and non-EU workers will be assessed by the same system to determine whether they can enter the country to work. There will be no cap on the number of people who can qualify under the scheme.


UK Visa Salary Rule

The system allows workers whose salary is below a determined `going rate` (1) for their occupation, or a general 25,600 pound ($33,310) minimum, to still qualify for entry if they have advanced qualifications in their field, or want to work in an industry where there is a shortage of workers.


Mandatory Criteria

There are three mandatory criteria (50 points total) 1. Have a job offer from an approved sponsor 2. The job offer is at the required skill level 3. Speak English


UK Visa Age And Experience

The government said in a policy paper that further criteria could be added as the system develops, such as age or experience.


Other Things to Look Out For

(1) The 'going rate' is an occupation-specific salary threshold. The government`s Migration Advisory Committee has recommended this is set at the 25th percentile of the full-time annual earnings distribution for that occupation. Some industries will use different measures. (2) £25,600 is the general salary threshold (3) Shortage occupations will be determined by the Migration Advisory Committee. (4) Science, technology, engineering and mathematics