Are you scared of flying? Flights are generally stressful, specially for the fliers who are nervous. Airline crashes are very rare but they do occur. A pilot reveals the safest place inside the aircraft where the fliers should sit in order to maximise the chances of survival during the time of crash.


It is to be noted that the chances of a plane crash are very rare. According to a report by, a pilot said that the seats near the wings are the safest in case the plane lands on the water or on the ground. Sitting on the mentioned seats will maximise the chances of survival, at the time of emergency.

The pilot said that the wings are structurally the strongest area of the aircraft. He also mentioned that the wings are held up by strong beams which meet in the vector of the aircraft making it the safest place on a plane.

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The report also mentioned that during the time of emergency, the tail of the aircraft would shear off first followed by the nose of the aircraft and the middle part of the plane would survive the longest.

The pilot also explained that emergency water landings don’t always occur straight on. “If a wing catches a wave as it descends, the plane does a Catherine wheel and flips over,” the pilot added.