World Thyroid Day 2023: Thyroid-related concerns are becoming very common thses days in India and also around the globe. Approximately 4.2 crore people are found to be affected by Thyroid disorders. Thyroid usually causes the gland to become either hyperactive or underactive, resulting in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, respectively. 


According to Dr Anirudha Mohite, Ayurveda Expert at NirogStreet, disorders related to Thyroid should never be taken lightly as they affect the whole body and affects the overall health of the person. 

“These disorders are not age specific and can occur at any age. Women are often found to become a victim of these disorders especially due to the changed unhealthy lifestyle,” Mohite said. 

Reoccurring fatigue, unnatural weight gain, excessive hair loss, and frequent mood changes are some of the symptoms and giveaways that one needs to get tested for Thyroid issues. 

"One of the conditions Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormone. In this condition one would see symptoms such as nervousness, rapid heartbeat, unnatural weight loss, increased appetite, sweating, tremors, irritability and even menstrual irregularities. While the other condition Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones, leading to a slow metabolism. This leads to symptoms such as fatigue, excessive weight gain, cold intolerance, dry skin, constipation, depression, hair loss and even muscle weakness," said Mohite.

Ayurveda correlates the pathogenesis of Thyroid disease conditions such as Kaphaavruta Udana, Udanavrita Saman and, pathological increase of Kapha Dosha and Pitta Dosha. 

While other healthcare systems work on cure, the beauty of Ayurveda healthcare is that it prioritises prevention of serious illnesses by focusing on effective healthy lifestyle. It is not just prevention though, following Ayurveda principals, recommendations, regimes and treatments can even reverse challenging conditions such as Thyroid.

Ayurveda Tips for Keeping Thyroid Function Healthy:

Balanced nutritional diet - A balanced diet low in fat can do wonders. A diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and is rich in nutrients helps support thyroid health. Reducing carbohydrates, caffeine and sugar in diet can help immensely. Reducing the amount of salt intake is also helpful. Rock salt is better replacement to table salt as rock salt is rich in minerals.

Stay away from processed food - One should avoid preserved, processed or canned foods to prevent thyroid issues. Adopt eating freshly prepared meals with fresh, untreated and natural ingredients. Consumption of fibre rich foods, nuts, essential oils and fatty acids help in reducing the symptoms and also support maintaining healthy thyroid.

Protein is your friend - Protein rich diet that contains nuts, green vegetables, legumes, pulses, eggs, fish and meat help to improve thyroid functionality.

Avoid Goitrogens - Goitrogens are foods that can interfere with thyroid hormone production. Some examples of Goitrogens include soy, cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale), and peanuts. While eating these foods in moderation is okay, it is best to avoid having them in large quantities.

Exercise regularly - Regular exercise can help boost energy levels and support healthy thyroid function. It is recommended to indulge in at least 20-30 minutes of intensive workout every day. This is important to maintain weight balance.

Yoga postures helpful in Thyroid issues - Some Yoga postures that are found to be very effective in managing healthy thyroid are Suryanamaskar, Halasana, Matsyasana, Shirshasana, Bhujangasana. Even Pranayam - Kapalbhatti, Ujjayni pranayama and Bhastrika are much recommended.

Manage stress - The fast paced lifestyle leads to a lot of stress. Chronic stress can interfere with thyroid function and lead to issues. One must manage stress through exercise, mindfulness practices, meditation and breathing exercises. This would be extremely helpful in maintaining healthy thyroid.

Panchakarma Therapy - Shodhan of vitiated doshas from body by Panchkarma like Vamana and Virechana helps in treatment of Thyroid issues.

Balanced Lifestyle - Adopting an overall change in lifestyle to gain balance can not only prevent thyroid issues but will do wonders in reversing a lot of other issues as well. A routine which includes balanced diet, proper 6-7 hours sleep, daily 30 mins exercise and yoga, and consumption of proper and nutritious food as per digestive Agni helps in thyroid and overall health.

While these are some of the changes that one can adopt on their own, patients with thyroid issues should consult an authentic Ayurveda Physician for personalised diet and lifestyle modifications. Ayurveda treatment and Panchakarma should be taken under medical supervision for best results.