World Heart Day 2022 is celebrated every year on September 29 to raise awareness about the rising concerns of heart health and cardiovascular illnesses. Heart disease and stroke are the world’s leading causes of death claiming 18.6 million lives each year.  


This global campaign invites individuals, families, communities and governments around the world to participate in activities to take charge of their heart health and that of others.  

World Heart Day 2022 Theme

The theme of World Heart Day 2022 is 'USE HEART FOR EVERY HEART'

World Heart Day is an opportunity to stop and consider how to use the heart for humanity, for nature and for us. This day also educates that by controlling risk factors such as tobacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be prevented, according to the World Heart Federation (EHF).  

Use Heart: This means to think differently and make the right decisions. To act with courage. To help others. To engage with this important cause. As per WHF, It is one of the few things with the potential to unite all people.

For Every Heart: This means involves the use of “FOR”. It requires changing the action to server to everyone.

It has three pillars:

Use heart for Humanity

Use heart for Nature

Use heart for You

World Heat Day History 

The president of the World Heart Federation from 1997 to 1999, Antoni Bayés de Luna had come up with the idea of World Heart Day. The first celebration took place on September 24, 2000, until 2011, it was celebrated as the final Sunday in September. Later, it was decided to observe the day on September 29.