Thanksgiving Day 2022: Thanksgiving Day is the annual national holiday in the United States and Canada. This year, in 2022, Thanksgiving will be celebrated on 24th November (Thursday). Thanksgiving which occurs on the fourth Thursday in November, is about celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Thanksgiving Day is also celebrated in few parts of India, mainly the parts of Christian population. 

What is Thanksgiving Day? 


According to, Thanksgiving Day is a day for people in the US to give thanks for what they have. Families and friends get together for a meal, which traditionally includes a roast turkey, stuffing, potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, gravy, and pumpkin pie.

Thanksgiving Day 2022 USA | Thanksgiving Day 2022 USA India

Thanksgiving Day 2022 India date: 24th November (Thursday)

Thanksgiving Day 2022 USA date: 24th November (Thursday)

Happy Thanksgiving 2022 wishes, messages and greetings

At this time of Thanksgiving celebration, our thoughts turn gratefully to you with warm appreciation. Our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.

Kindness is something that always returns. This Thanksgiving, may you be kind enough. To thank your dear ones and. The almighty for their endless love and blessings

Because today is a special day, I want to let you know that I appreciate you every single day. Happy Thanksgiving wishes!

May the good things of life be yours in abundance not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year.

May you enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving, a joyous holiday season and healthful, Happy New Year.

Thanksgiving wishes from across the miles from our house to yours. May your home be filled with laughter and happiness!

Sending you my warm wishes from home to home and from heart to heart to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! May this day be a beautiful reminders of the wonderful things in life.