Instagram Notes: Social Media platform Instagram has added a new update — Instagram Notes — onto its app. This new feature appears in the direct message (DM) section of the application.


People are using Notes to make announcements, blast out news or thoughts, and complain about Instagram Notes.

What are Instagram Notes? 

Instagram notes are little post-it notes that users can leave for their followers. As stated by Instagram, the new feature ‘Notes’ gives users a personal space to share updates as short text posts with certain people, who can then reply to them using messaging on Instagram. It only permits one note to be shared at a time, and if you tend to share more than one note, the previous one will be automatically deleted.

The character limit is 60. User’s followers can reply to these notes, which will appear as a DM (exactly like replies on stories).

Why use Instagram Notes?

Notes are the least pushy of Instagram communication. They don’t come with notifications and are tucked away in your inbox. They are more subtle than Stories and less direct than sending a DM.

Creators and businesses can use Notes as a way to communicate news, updates, or pertinent information.

They’re an easy way to get eyes on your announcements because they sit at the top of your audience’s inbox and won’t get lost in the noise of Stories. Plus, they don’t require the same commitment as a Feed post or the effort that goes into crafting a Story.

Instagram Notes are a simple, short-lived way to blast out a message. In a way, they’re like the temporary tattoos of social media.

How to make an Instagram Note?

Creating instagram notes in 4 simple steps

Step 1: Open your Instagram app

Step 2: Navigate to your inbox in the top right corner

Step 3: In the top left corner, click on the box that says + Leave a Note.

Step 4: Write your thoughts down, choose who to share with and click share to publish.