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WhatsApp AI Feature: How to generate AI images in individual or group chat - Step-by-step guide

WhatsApp AI Image Generator Online Free: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most talked about features these days and every platform is trying to utilise the power of AI. WhatsApp, owned by Meta, too has introduced a feature where users can generate an AI image in a chat.

Written By: ZeeBiz WebTeam
Updated on: April 22, 2024, 10.51 PM IST

Generate AI image in WhatsApp Chat

With this feature, users can generate images using Meta AI in WhatsApp chats. "AI images are generated by artificial intelligence (AI), based on the prompt you type, using a service from Meta," the company said. Here's a step-by-step guide to generating an AI image on WhatsApp:


Generate Images In Few Steps

Generate images in an individual/group WhatsApp chat on Android and iOS in a few easy steps.


Step 1

Open the chat you’d like to generate an AI image in.


Step 2

Type @ in the message field, then tap Meta AI.


Step 3

Type imagine followed by your text prompt.  


Step 4

Tap send.


Step 5

The generated image will be displayed in the chat.


Language Supported

Currently, only the English language is supported.


Feature available in limited countries

This feature is currently available only in limited countries and might not be available to you yet.