WhatsApp support is set to end for Android Gingerbread-based smartphones on February 1, 2020. In 2010, the Gingerbread or version 2.x.x was first made available to the users. At present Android is on version 8.0 and Android 9.0 is under development.


There are around 3.9 million users whose phones run on Android Gingerbread that's around 0.3 per cent of total Android users. Further WhatsApp will also end support for iOS7 devices on the same date.

Since Android Gingerbread users will lose WhatsApp support, they will have to upgrade their smartphones to a more current version of Android that would support the messaging app. Likely, they will have to buy new phones!

WhatsApp had earlier stopped supporting Phone 8.0, BlackBerry OS and Blackberry 10 platforms on December 31, 2017 and by the end of this year it will also stop running on Nokia S40.

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However, for a select group of users on the beta version of the app, WhatsApp group video and voice calling feature has been launched. At the Facebook F8 developers conference, the company announced that this feature would be available for the beta testers before releasing to the general public.