How to delete sent messages on Snapchat? That is a question innumerable people have typed in on Google search in frustration. They did not get a suitable reply though. Things, as they say, have changed now. You can undo an already sent message on Snapchat soon. You can do that thanks to a new feature that Snapchat is planning to roll out. This new feature is called Clear Chats, which will allow users to delete messages from personal and group chat-threads.


"Snapchat will let you retract your risqué, embarrassing or incriminating messages thanks to a new feature called Clear Chats that’s rolling out globally over the next few weeks," reported TechCrunch on Monday.

"This could also check cases of revenge porn and blackmails where hackers or others threat and expose abusive conversations and personal images," the report added.

Snapchat already auto-deletes messages after they’re viewed. However, nothing could be done if the recipient screenshots or saves it. With this feature, sender will be able to delete messages by their end even before the recipient reads it.

Here is how it will work:

Hold down on a text, image, video, memory, sticker or audio note in a one-on-one or group chat > Locate 'delete' button > Tap it > Snapchat will retract the message. 

There is one catch, though! 

Snapchat admits the feature would not always work if the recipient lacks an internet connection or updated version of the app. 


The reports of new feature by Snapchat has come at a time when tech community is expecting Facebook to launch a feature to unsend messages. 

The Snapchat's feature may boost the app's usage after it hit its slowest growth rate ever last quarter beacuse of its globally criticised redesign.

The new feature is expected to be rolled out over the next few weeks, which will make users more comfortable about sending sensitive information over Snapchat.