Ever since the first car was rolled out, talk has inevitably veered round to taking the next step and that birthed the concept of flying cars. But that is all that it remained for decades, even as hundreds of hard-working engineers tried their best to get their contraptions to work both on and off the ground and, of course, to make it pay off! However, things may just have changed! Meet flying car, BlackFly! It may soon become a reality too. Technology firm Opener has revealed BlackFly - the world’s first ultralight all-electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft.
The car-cum-aircraft, which has a single-seat and is fully amphibious, can reach speeds of up to 62 miles/hour, said a Mirror report, adding that it doesn’t require a formal licence or any special skills to operate.
“OPENER is re-energising the art of flight with a safe and affordable flying vehicle that can free its operators from the everyday restrictions of ground transportation,” Marcus Leng, CEO of Opener, told Mirror.


Watch this Zee Bussiness video on BlackFly

According to the report, the aircraft features two parallel wings, each of which has four propellers, and it takes off and lands vertically. The aircraft reportedly has a cruise-control mode to ensure you have an easy ride!
The company hopes that the aircraft is used by commuters travelling in and out of busy cities. Following a demonstration of the vehicle in Northern California, Darren Pleasance, Director at EAA told Mirror, “I just saw the future. Watching BlackFly take flight just blew me away. I've never seen anything like it."
Further, he reportedly stated, “The magnitude of innovation that OPENER has been driving in electric motors, aerodynamics, and VTOL operations is stunning and inspiring", adding “OPENER has made a huge step forward in bringing the Jetson's world to life."
How much will this flying car cost, or when it will become available? CBS News quoted Leng as saying that BlackFly will be on sale perhaps in 2019. And as far as price is concerned, it may be in the range of an SUV!
Watch this Zee Business video

Notably, another firm Akka Technologies has recently disclosed its ‘Link & Fly’ aircraft design, envisioning a modular craft that relies on a passenger pod and detachable wings to speed up the boarding process, and make it easier than ever to get to and from the airport. It is massive and is called a flying train! The company demonstrated how such a system could work, with the option to carry either travelers or freight, and transform into a train car that makes drop-offs at local stations.