Instagram Nationality Challenge: A new challenge is trending on the social media application - Instagram - with the name "Nationality Challenge". In this new challenge, challengers are creating reels on how they look in attires of different countries. The countries include India, Russia, the U.S, Turkey, China, Kazakhstan, Japan, and many more. 


The song used in this reel is Infinity by Jaymes Young.  

If you also want to do this nationality challenge and shoot a reel of yourself in attires of different countries without spending a lot of money and time, then here we are for your help.  

All you need to do is follow the given below steps and your nationality challenge video will be ready to go on Instagram.    

How to take nationality challenge on Instagram? 

Step 1: Download the FacePlay application available in both Android and iOS app stores 

Step 2: After installing the application, find the section 'For You' 

Step 3: Then, select the template for different nationalities 

Step 4: Tap on "Add a face" and choose a photo from your gallery.  

(This picture will be used by the application to create videos of the user dressed in the chosen template's attire.) 

Step 5: Tap on "Start Making" 

(Since the app has a premium version, non-paying users may be forced to see an advertisement every time they produce a video using the app.) 

Step 6: The process will begin 

Step 7: The app will create a video of the user in the attire they chose. 

Note: Users may be required to create three to four videos in different attires using the app, or how they like, to complete the Instagram Nationality challenge. 

After creating all the clips, add them together using an editing app. Don't forget to add the song.  

Your video is ready now.