How to move WhatsApp chats from Windows Phone to Android? That is teh first question a person asks after making the purchase. When you change a phone it becomes a hassle to reinstall apps and applications. If you are already a Windows user and your new device also runs on the same application then it is easier to restore apps and applications. WhatsApp has now become an integral part of people's lives and we often share the dearest moments of our life on it.  However, most of the users take for granted the feature to backup and restore messages. 


According to a, WhatsApp doesn’t allow users to switch backups between smartphone OSEs that means a Windows 10 user can’t restore the app on an iPhone and viz-a-viz. This experience can be frustrating for the users while switching operating systems.  However, according to the report, there is a tool that Windows Phone users to convert their Windows Phone backups to Android backups and it can be extremely helpful.

Steps to transfer WhatsApp messages from a Windows phone to an Android phone:

1. If you have a phone that runs on Windows 10 you can use WhatsApp and backup to OneDrive first and then restore on the older phone.  

2. Once you extract the backup, transfer it to your target Android phone

3. Download and run WinWazzapMigrator on your Android phone. This app converts the Windows database to an Android database, thereby allowing you to see the message.

4. Now you can Download and reinstall the app on your Android phone and sign in with the number you backed up from, and restore your backup from local drive, the report said.