Hero Electronix on Tuesday launched its latest security camera - the Qubo Baby Cam in India, with features aimed at kids. Unlike their previous offerings, this iteration focuses on children and the company claims that the camera can act as a virtual baby attendant. The Qubo Baby Cam is powered by AI and it comes with features like a virtual cradle and baby cry monitor. These features have been fine-tuned for the Indian users. The product is designed by keeping the children in mind with a penguin-shaped design. 


The device is fitted with a 1080p camera with support for night vision and it also offers two-way talk with an echo cancellation feature. It uses AI to detect the baby's cry and will send an instant notification to the parent if the baby is upset. 

It also comes with a feature called Smart Virtual Cradle, which sends a notification to the parent if the baby crosses the boundary set by the parents. On top of that, the Qubo Baby Cam can also play customized lullaby if the baby tends to move or starts crying. 

The Qubo Baby Cam costs R 7,490 and will be available via e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and FirstCry starting today (September 29). Similarly, the product will also be available via retail outlets. 

“Continuing on our journey of building SMART innovative products at affordable prices, we are proud to introduce the Qubo Baby Cam, our foray in the parenting-tech category. With Qubo baby cam we intend to bring back the joy of parenting by using advanced AI to capture and secure beautiful moments,” Talking about the launch, Ujjwal Munjal, Founder Director, Hero Electronix, said.