One of the most widely accessed web browsers, Google Chrome has introduced the much-awaited Dark Mode with its latest update 74.0.3729.112 for Android on the stable channel. However, the option to turn on Dark Mode isn't instantly available and the users need to enable it through Chrome flags. Not only the Dark Mode, this update also adds a new option to translate the language. It has the option  "Translate..." shortcut in the menu, which lets you quickly translate a web page to English or any other language of your preference. 


But, one should also know that this option ( "Translate...") is only visible when Chrome detects that a web page of your device is in a different language than the default language. To get this latest update the user needs to use the latest version of Chrome.

Here are the steps to update the latest version:

1. To enable the update the user needs to enter chrome://flags/#enable-android-night-mode in the address bar of Chrome.

2. Click on the dropdown list under the "Android Chrome UI dark mode" menu. 

3. Select option "Enabled" from that list and relaunch Chrome.

4. Turn on the Dark Mode by heading over to Chrome's Settings > Dark mode menu.

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As suggested by its name, the Dark Mode turns the full screen in dark with white text which is power saving and comfortable to eyes. If you fail to see the new changes then download the latest version of Chrome by updating it from the Play Store.