WhatsApp voice calling update: In a major development, the Facebook-owned famous instant messaging applications WhatsApp has added a new one to make life easier for feature phone users. The messaging platform has joined hands with KaiOS Technologies to let people make voice calls on their KaiOS-run feature phones.


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This will allow millions of feature phone users to call other people by using their Wi-Fi or mobile data and stay connected with each other, especially during the current tough times. The new feature is available with the latest version of the app on KaiOS devices worldwide equipped with 512MB RAM and has updated to the latest WhatsApp version 2.2110.41.

This new WhatsApp feature will allow people to conduct VoIP (voice over internet protocol) instead of spending their calling minutes or the entire top-up plan they have opted for. This includes the famous JioPhone 4G feature phone and Nokia 8110 in India, among many other options, the BGR India reported.

"We want to support communities that are on lighter operating systems in many places around the world/ Bringing WhatsApp voice calls to KaiOS-enabled devices helps us connect the world privately through a service that is simple, reliable and accessible to everyone — no matter what kind of mobile device they're using," said Matt Idema, COO of WhatsApp.

WhatsApp was introduced on KaiOS devices back in 2019 to provide everyone with an opportunity to use the app. This is mainly applicable in emerging markets and lets even the underprivileged people access the arguably popular messaging app.

Since then, the app has provided people with a number of ways of conversing with others. This includes messaging, voice notes, and even expressing through media. It is further revealed that WhatsApp has become a popular non-system app on KaiOS-based devices with the highest monthly active users (MAU) worldwide.

“As demand for instant, effective communications has surged in the COVID-19 era, it is critical to ensure this transformation can also be reached to the emerging markets and those who are less digital savvy, at a faster speed and scale,” said Sebastien Codeville, CEO of KaiOS Technologies.