Technology has played a crucial role in improving and transforming processes across sectors. And adtech is one such innovation that has revolutionised the advertising landscape globally. In the simplest sense, adtech enables brands to study their customers' emotions and buying behaviour using technology and accordingly create innovative and immersive ads to draw their attention. Adtech also helps brands track their campaigns' progress, understand what works and what doesn't and make suitable modifications to maximize reach. In this context, here’s a list of four leading adtech startups that are modernising the overall ad world with innovative solutions.


1. Globale Media

Globale media offers an integrated marketing platform that maximises revenues by bringing in direct advertisers and showing relevant ads that best fit the user audience using banners, interstitial, videos, social and native ads.

The company specialises in digital marketing for all major kinds of app verticals including gaming, e-commerce, lifestyle, utilities, social, education, entertainment, and others on CPM, CPI, and CPA cost models.

Publishers can access to the full feed of available campaigns as well as real real-time tracking and automation to multiple devices with programmatic GLOBALE API. It excels with a reach of over 500+ direct publishers, 1000+ live campaigns over 120 countries.


VDO.AI is a global ad-tech company helping brands maximise consumer attention using automated and high-impact solutions. It creates lasting relationships by curating personalized video-driven experiences that turn brand awareness into measurable responses. Its solutions offer unparalleled monetisation management across CTV and OTT apps. In the video monetisation space for web and mobile, 

VDO.AI has been the first mover helping CTV broadcasters access this advanced bidding technology, allowing various demand sources to bid at the same time.  

By optimising the stream, they contextually deliver the highest-quality advertisements to each available slot. This gives users a seamless experience without any ad breakage and inconsistency across platforms.

3. mCanvas

mCanvas is a subsidiary of Affinity and is the brainchild of Vishal Rupani, from vision and inception to revenue generation and scalability. mCanvas is a storytelling mobile ad platform that uses phone sensors to create compelling and interactive brand narratives.

How it’s changing adtech: mCanvas is the first and leading Indian company that has addressed critical issues of mobile marketing: Banner Blindness, Poor Viewability, Accidental Clicks, and Lack of Storytelling. The mobile advertising platform uses four kinds of advertisement formats: Scrollers, Stickers, Spotlight, and Streambox.

The company recently integrated with Adobe advertising cloud that will enable advertisers to buy experiential rich media content and interactive video ads.

4. ADZ Junction

ADZ Junction is considered the ultimate solution for all the emerging digital marketing services including designing, editing, social, search marketing, and video advertising. Ashok Nain built this company for real-time bidding, rich media, mobile advertising and various other advanced and innovative strategic plans to deal with all the client’s related problems, especially for the quality traffic generation.

ADZ junction offers great services such as digital strategy, development, content, search marketing and marketing.