Money Guru: Your fund is giving negative returns and you are wondering what to do? What is the solution - stay or exit the fund? When is the right time to withdraw from the fund? What are the implications of changing fund managers? Know the answer to every question from expert Pankaj Mathpal, Managing Director of Optima Money Managers Pvt. Ltd. in a special TV Show 'Money Guru'.


Pankaj Mathpal said that the decision to exit the fund should be done very carefully. If a fund is giving you negative returns then the investor can consider exiting the fund.

When is the right time to withdraw from the fund?
MD Mathpal suggested if the scheme is underperforming since 6 months, then it is the time to exit. Apart from this, the investor can withdraw from the fund even after changing the fund manager. If the scheme allocation changes, the scheme strategy does not match with the target and portfolio rebalancing, then also the investors can lead to withdrawing from the fund, said the expert.

Change fund manager, what to do?
The expert Mathpal said change of fund manager does not affect the allocation of the scheme. Rather, if there is a loss due to the strategy of the fund manager, then it is better to change the manager. The strategy of the new fund manager may be better for the fund. But if the new fund manager also proves to be unsuccessful, then there can be loss in investment.