In recent years, credit cards have emerged as one of the most convenient options for instant payments, especially for times when one doesn't have cash in hand. While the card doesn't let you worry about the finances for some time, it may lead to more financial trouble if not used wisely. It is very important to remember that credit cards may seem convenient, but you have to repay the amount you use. However, there are times when people fail to pay their credit card bills with the due date and end up being defaulters and fall into a debt trap.


It’s always advisable to use credit cards wisely to avoid falling into a debt trap. Scroll down to read about some easy tricks to repay your credit card dues without remaining under debt burden.

How to get out of credit card debt traps?

Make notes and rebalance your budget: The foremost thing to do is to make a note of all your debts and break it into categories on the basis of priority dues. You can then begin by paying off the dues one by one. After this part, you need to rebalance your budget and cut down on unnecessary expenses, until you repay all of your dues.

Remain aware of all the charges: Credit card bills often provide the option to pay the minimum due amount to avoid high-interest rates. However, cardholders still need to pay their bills before the due date as card issuers tend to charge a certain interest on the outstanding amount and also on the new purchases.

Avoid unnecessary expenses: Those struggling to pay credit card debts need to take care of their expenses. Begin by keeping a check on your card usage and further reduce your spending in line with your earnings.

Convert bills to EMIs: If the credit card dues are too much to pay in one go, cardholders can visit their banks and request to convert their outstanding bills into EMIs. With a nominal interest rate, banks often provide the option to pay the bill in EMIs.

Take a loan: If you don’t have any other option, availing a loan to pay off the outstanding bills at one go could be a better option. You can take a personal loan with a comparatively lesser interest rate and clear all the outstanding credit card dues.