Inflation implies an increase in the cost of everyday goods used by customers, wholesalers and anybody else who produces things. It impacts all of us since it raises the cost of living. While inflation may be occurring, it does not guarantee that your wage will rise at the same rate. As a result, you spend more money than you were making before inflation began to rise. 


According to Satyen Kothari- founder and CEO, Cube Wealth, one gets poorer in terms of spending power.

Kothari also said that inflation always has a negative impact on everyone. "Since everyone is now spending more than they make as a ratio, they are eroding their wealth, which is obviously not a wise thing to do," he added.

How important is investing during rising inflation? 

Given that you are unlikely to get paid more with the rise in inflation, the only way to prevent wealth erosion is to spend less (sometimes impossible) and/or invest in firms that may benefit from inflation.
What are some of the best investment options for beating inflation?

Kothari feels that the best investment options for beating inflation are typically industrial or commodity companies. "The ones who truly generate or develop the raw resources used to manufacture the goods we consume. So, obviously, as prices rise,  Someone is making more money, and the key is to identify market experts who know which firms are in a strong position to generate more money during an inflationary cycle. However - a warning here: It's not as simple as saying," he added. 

With the right investment choices, inflation may be used to at least assure that your well does not dry up. If you invest your money effectively, you could even make some money in these cycles. For this, you need the help of proven investment advisors.