Railways recruitment 2018: Indian Railways' First-phase of assistant loco pilot and technicians computer-based exam for the 26,502 posts will be reportedly held on August 9. The candidates will be able to download e-call letter from the Railway Recruitment Board website four days prior to the exam. The national transporter will activate the mock link for the first stage of the computer-based test on July 26. 


According to Railways for the 26,502 posts, nearly 4.75 million applicants have applied.

Candidates will be able to login through the link to be provided on the official websites of RRBs to get details about their exam city, date and session, according to a Business Standard report.

The exam will be of one-hour duration. For differently-abled candidates, it will be 80 minutes test. There will be 75 multiple choice questions and there will be negative marking (1/3rd) for incorrect answers.

Candidates should refer to the official websites of RRBs all recruitment-related information.

"Further beware of touts and job racketeers as we recruit only on merit and the names of all shortlisted candidates will be published on the official websites of RRBs," said Rajesh Bajpai, Director, Information and Publicity, Railway Board.