IRCTC website down ALERT! Are you planning to book or cancel train ticket from IRCTC website today or tomorrow? Here are some important information for you. The IRCTC e-ticketing website will remain closed for some time today and tomorrow. 


For the Delhi node, the booking and cancellation will be closed from 23.45 hrs today to 05.00 hrs tomorrow due to maintenance activity. Booking and Cancellation for the DELHI node will not be available from 23:45 hrs of 18/05/2019 to 05:00 hrs of 19/05/2019 due to maintenance activity. Inconvenience caused is deeply regretted," said an IRCTC alert. 

In another alert, the IRCTC said, "Booking and Cancellation for the All node will not be available from 00:00 hrs to 02:30 hrs of 18/05/2019 due to maintenance activity. Inconvenience caused is deeply regretted."

Early this week, tatkal ticket booking on IRCTC website was hit for some time. 

In a message on May 16, IRCTC had said, “Due to maintenance activity e-ticketing service is not available. Please try later. For cancellation/file TDR, please call at customer care no. 0755-6610661, 0755-4090600, 0755-3934141 or mail at