IRCTC-BHIM UPI lucky draw: In what comes as a chance to save on to your Indian Railways ticket price, the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has announced a lucky draw scheme for the users opting for Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) or Unified Payments Service (UPI) as the payment mode to book their tickets from the IRCTC e-ticketing website. The scheme has been introduced to promote digital payments in the country.


In order to participate in the lucky draw, the users need to opt for BHIM/UPI as the payment mode for booking online tickets on IRCTC e-ticketing website for two months starting from September 01, 2019. IRCTC has also stated that only the users registered with the portal will be eligible for the lucky draw.

The winners under the scheme will get a prize money of Rs 500 each. IRCTC said that as many as 1,000 lucky users will be selected under the scheme through a computerized random lucky draw process. The cash prize of Rs 500 will be credited in the respective payment instrument which is used to book the e-tickets.

The customers need to keep in mind that these tickets should be booked through IRCTC e-ticketing website and IRCTC mobile app.

Also, those who want to win the cash prize, should book the  tickets within the period of lucky draw scheme. IRCTC will declare the winners on its website by publishing their PNRs. The results will be announced after  verification of user details like mobile no, email, user id etc. of winners, IRCTC said, adding, the winners of the lucky draw scheme will also be informed by IRCTC on their registered email ID.

IRCTC also has the right to close the scheme earlier before two month or to disqualify any IRCTC user(s) from the benefits of lucky draw offer without assigning any reason to it.