Indian Railways Raksha Bandhan special trains: To make the occasion of Raksha Bandhan special for women, the Indian Railways has decided to run some pairs of ladies special trains to help them travel in a safe and secure manner. Some of these trains will run from August 24 to August 28 while some of them will run only on August 26.


"Facilitating brothers & sisters to travel far & wide and tie the bond of love, care, obligation & protection in our various regular services. Also arranged a Festival (Raksha Bandhan) Special train b/w Ghaziabad & Aligarh," said Northern Railways in a tweet.

Northern Railways will be running two special trains - 04442 and 04441 between Ghaziabad and Aligarh and vice-versa. The two trains will run from August 24 to August 28.

On the other hand, Delhi division of the Indian Railways will run six "Raksha Bandhan ladies special train" on August 26. The trains will run to and fro between Palwal and New Delhi, Ghaziabad and New Delhi, and Panipat and New Delhi.

64491: Palwal to New Delhi
Departure: 08.20 hrs
Arrival: 10.00 hrs

64492: New Delhi to Palwal
Departure: 17.50 hrs
Arrival: 19.20 hrs

64449: Ghaziabad  to New Delhi
Departure: 08.30 hrs
Arrival: 09.20 hrs

64450: New Delhi to Ghaziabad
Departure: 17.50 hrs
Arrival: 18.40 hrs

64469: New Delhi to Panipat
Departure: 17.50 hrs
Arrival: 20.05 hrs

64470: Panipat to New Delhi
Departure: 06.40 hrs
Arrival: 08.55 hrs

These train will not be free. Railways will charge normal fare as per existing rates.

However, travel in government buses will be free in UP and Delhi. According to reports, women will not have to buy tickets for travelling in DTC buses as well as Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation buses on August 26.