Taking woman safety to greater extent, now the Indian Railways has introduced Emergency Talk Back System in 6 ladies coaches of two Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU) rakes (03 coaches each) on trial basis in Mumbai Suburban. One air conditioned EMU rake running in Mumbai Suburban has also been fitted with this system. Provision of Emergency Talk Back System is also being envisaged in all newly manufactured EMU rakes under Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation (MRVC) Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP)-III project, Ministry of Railway statement said.


The year 2018 has been declared by the Ministry of Railways as the year of women security, it said.  For ensuring round the clock security of women passengers, various measures has been planned to be introduced in Indian Railways which include provision of Close Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras in ladies coaches of suburban trains, provision of CCTV cameras on platform to cover ladies coaches during halt, the statement said. 

Railway has initiated proposal for amendment in the Railways Act, 1989, deployment of women police personnel in suburban trains during night hours, escorting of all ladies special trains running in metropolitan cities by lady Railway Protection Force (RPF) personnel, escorting of ladies compartments in local trains by RPF and Government Railway Police (GRP) during peak/non-peak hours. 

The national transporter will deploy staff during late night and early morning in local trains to ensure proper security to lady passengers. It will ensure prosecution of offenders travelling in ladies coaches by conducting intensive drives under section 162 of the Railways Act.
The Indian Railways will recruit women in RPF, will initiate special drives under the Railways Act against offenders, provide training/sensitise Railway staff, it said.

It will also put up posters and signages and intiate media campaign on women security, and make regular announcements to create awareness regarding Helpline at stations, trains and in society. The Indian Railways will constitute a 3-member women officers’ Committee and formation a three member committee at Railway Board level to supervise and monitor implementation of Action Plan and constitution of similar committees at Zonal and Divisional levels etc.
All India Security Helpline 182 is being upgraded at a cost of `5.59 crore.   This information was given by the Minister of State of Railways Rajen Gohain in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on Friday.