Last minute changes to plans happen frequently to travellers. It can be frustrating and stressful at the same time as it adds to the problems in hand that have to be dealt with on short notice. Unfortunately, if bookings have already been made, it makes things very difficult for them especially if the ones who were supposed to travel have dropped out and their place has been taken by relatives. One of the problems is transferring IRCTC ticket to blood relation online. Reason is that, if Indian Railways train tickets have been booked, they have to be transferred from one to the other. Fortunately, Indian Railways recognises the problem and has walked in-step with its passengers in an attempt to fix this problem for them. Yes, it allows the transfer to be made and what is more, the process is quite easy! The only thing is, passengers must stick to the deadline.


The IRCTC e-ticket can be transferred to another member of the passenger's family - father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband and wife. The passenger should bring the 'electronic reservation slip' print out along with photo identity card proof in original and a proof for blood relation with the new passenger, said IRCTC.

Reservation offices can change ‘Boarding Station’ and ‘Passenger Name’ against a request from the passenger according to the railway rules applicable to other counter booked tickets, IRCTC said on its website.

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Facility in the name change of passenger holding confirmed e-reservation has been permitted according to the Indian Railways rules noted as under:

a. The passenger has to make a request in writing 24 hours before the scheduled departure of train to the nearest Railway Reservation office. It can be transferred to an-other member of the passenger's family members. The passenger should bring the ‘Electronic Reservation Slip’ print out along with photo identity card proof in original and a proof for blood relation desired to be changed . 

b. When the passenger is a government Servant going on duty makes a request in writing 24 hours before the scheduled departure of train.

However, ideally, to save time as well as make the experience less frustrating for travellers as well as authorities, it would be best if such a thing does not come to pass in the first place as the system is overloaded as it is.