With a whopping Rs 29 lakhs per annum as the highest domestic salary package offered, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai witnessed a great placement season for its PGPM class of 2019. The average CTC of the batch increased to Rs 13.1 Lakhs per annum. By the end of the first week, 97% of students had already received placement offers from leading recruiters like Accenture, Aditya Birla Capital, ADP, Amazon, Barclays, Cognizant, Capgemini, Deloitte, Gartner, HCL, EY, Honeywell, HSBC, Infosys, ITC Infotech, L&T Infotech, Mentis, MuSigma, TCS, Virtusa, ZS Associates and other companies. With the remaining students awaiting to interview with top companies, the placement process will end in a few weeks.


Students were offered various coveted roles in sectors such as Analytics, BFSI, IT/ITES, Consulting, E-commerce, Technology Consulting, FMCG and Product. IT/ITES (37%) was the largest recruiting sector followed by Tech Consulting (23%), Business Consulting (22%) and BFSI (5%). In terms of the functional areas, Technology Consulting (33%)attracted the largest set of offers followed by Analytics (15%) and Sales & Marketing (14%).

“This year the placement season was highly successful with students getting placed much faster. The interesting highlight of this placement season was a significant increase in offers for Strategy Consulting, Product Management, Digital and Analytics roles.”, said Dr. M. Balaji, Director, Corporate & Career Services, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.

Great Lakes PGPM class of 2019 was a mix of students from diverse educational backgrounds and industry experience ranging between 2 to 5 years and this made it attractive for recruiters looking for business ready talent who could start delivering from day one, according to the institute.