Government Jobs in India: Search terms like government jobs 2018 recruitment and government jobs recruitment 2018, government jobs 2018 or more specifically latest govt jobs in railway are constantly in the top category due to the frequency and large number of searches carried out. It indicates how important these jobs are and that the youth of the country are looking for stability in their careers as well as to make contributions of their own to nation-building.


Government jobs are tough to secure as the competition for them is so stiff. Virtually every person in the jobs market is out to land a cushy government job for herself or himself. So, here we try to make it a little easy for candidates and list the latest government jobs as per the recent notifications and alerts.

1. Among the foremost is for Railways job as RRB ALP & Technician. There are 26,502 vacancies in Railway Recruitment Board and eligibility is 10th/10+2/ITI with the last date being for application being 31-03-2018.

2. Railway Group-D jobs are also out. There are 62,907 vacancies in Railway Recruitment Board and the eligibility is 10th with the last date being 31-03-2018.

3. Executive and Non-Executive Posts are on offer too. There are as many as 386 posts vacant at Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation (LMRC). Elgibility is B.E/B. Tech/Diploma and the last date is  27-03-2018.

4. There are Assistant Engineer jobs on offer too. As many as 324 vacancies have been announced in the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) with elgibility being a B.E. degree; the last date is 26-03-2018.

5. Jobs of Sub-Inspector and Assistant Sub-Inspector have also been announced. As many as 1223 vacancies are there in Staff Selection Commission (SSC) and the elgibility is a Graduation Degree; the last date for application is 02-04-2018.

6. There are as many as 265 vacancies for Lower Division Clerk at Jharkhand Staff Selection (JSSC). 10+2 pass candidates are eligible to apply. Last dfate is 4-04-2018.