The several parts of Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh were hit by two back to back earthquakes on Monday. Two earthquake of magnitude 5.0 on the Richter scale hit the border region of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh on Monday, according to a report by The Hindu.


The two medium intensity earthquakes hit the Chamba region on the Himachal Pradesh-Jammu & Kashmir border on Monday afternoon, according to the National Centre For Seismology (NCS) quoted in Hindu.

The NCS said further said that the first tremor, which had a magnitude of 5.0, was reported at around 12.10 p.m on Monday. The second one, having a magnitude of 2.7, occurred at 12.57 p.m, while the epicentre for both quakes were located at a depth of 5 km.

The tremors were felt at 12.10 pm in regions like Doda, Bhadarwah, Kishtwar, Gandoh, Bhallesa, Thathri belts of Chenab Valley and in the Chamba region.

However, there is no report of any damage in the regions, while more updates are still awaited.