A 58-year-old man fallen prey to a cyber fraudster, who spent Rs 2.80 lakh via the victim’s debit card on online shopping. The victim says he has not shared his personal or card details with anyone, and yet the transactions were carried out from his bank account over 14 days. The Ghatkopar police said the victim, Mehan Patel, was shocked to learn that the sum had been transferred out of his bank account without his knowledge. The police said the transactions took place between January 12 and 27, but Patel did not realise it for almost 15 days as he did not receive any calls or text alerts.


“The victim claimed he did not receive any notification from the bank. When he went to the bank in January, he learnt through a bank statement that the sum had been transferred from his account. Upon inquiring with bank officials, he learnt he had been duped,” said a police officer.

“We have registered a case. It seems his account details were leaked. This does not seem like a card-cloning case, as all transactions took place online. What is surprising is the accused used the card without an OTP,” he added.

(By Vallabh Ozarkar, DNA)