India reported 117,100 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, the most since early June, as the Omicron variant overtakes Delta in the cities.


The health ministry also reported 302 new deaths, taking the total to 483,178. Total infections stand at 35.23 million. 114,484 cases of corona in the last 24 hours (Compilation of data of states). The number of active patients of Corona has crossed three lakhs

Most cases of coronavirus are in Maharashtra, Delhi, West Bengal with 36,265, 15,097 and  15,421, respectively. Similarly, Tamil Nadu logs 6,983 cases, Kerala 4,649, and Uttar Pradesh 3121.

The Union Government is committed to accelerating the pace and expanding the scope of COVID-19 vaccination throughout the country. The nationwide COVID 19 vaccination started on 16th January 2021. 

The new phase of universalization of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from 21st June 2021. The vaccination drive has been ramped up through availability of more vaccines, advance visibility of vaccine availability to States and UTs for enabling better planning by them, and streamlining the vaccine supply chain.

As part of the nationwide vaccination drive, Government of India has been supporting the States and UTs by providing them COVID Vaccines free of cost. In the new phase of the universalization of the COVID19 vaccination drive, the Union Government will procure and supply (free of cost) 75% of the vaccines being produced by the vaccine manufacturers in the country to States and UTs.