Budget 2019: In a bid to ensure efficient utilisation of taxpayers money and proper and timely implementation of the public welfare schemes in health sector, insiders of the healthcare sector have demanded privatisation of the government owned healthcare system. They said it would help proper and timely implementation of the healthcare schemes meant for the public in general.


Commenting upon the matter Dr BS Ajaikumar, Chairman and CEO at Healthcare Global Enterprises told Zee Business Online in a written statement, "The healthcare sector needs privatization where implementation should be undertaken by private service providers to ensure that uniformity in quality healthcare is maintained. If the government plays a role of a monitoring agency, we will fare much better to deliver value based healthcare. He went on to add that healthcare service providers should be mandated to publish outcomes to demonstrate the essence of quality and world-class healthcare. It would also help us shape the future of healthcare system and deliver value based healthcare to patients."

See Zee Business video below:

Batting for tier-2 and tier-3 citizens Varun Gera, Founder  and CEO at HealthAssure told in a written statement, "The government should take into consideration the pressing need to reduce the highest areas of the cost burden borne by our citizens today, outpatient cost and the cost of medicines. The centre should provide specific funds within the Health Sector in Budget 2019 to improve access, availability, and quality of healthcare in Tier 2, Tier 3 and rural areas."

Gera said that year 2019 would be of tech advancement in Indian healthcare sector citing, "With enormous development taking place in the healthcare system, 2019 is expected to be a year of technological advancement, scaling up the accessibility and affordability level, interesting innovation in the healthcare space and achieving better patient outcomes."