Tamil Nadu SSLC Results latest news: The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations (TNDGE) will declare the Class 10 or SSLC results on August 23. Around 9 lakh students have registered for Class 10 with the Tamil Nadu Board affiliated colleges. These students can now check their results on the Directorate of Government Examinations website dge.tn.nic.in. These students can also check on tnresults.nic.in.  


Tamil Nadu had taken a decision to pass all students earlier. Hence, it may be expected that like other boards, Tamil Nadu too is likely to announce 100 per cent results. Last year also, the TNDGE had passed 9.7 lakh students due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Second Year Examination 2020-2021 (Class 12 results) even though all students - 8.16 lakh - were declared pass. The overall percentage of pass among was 100 per cent. Overall, 39,679 students have managed to get a score between 551-600 and 1,67,133 students achieved a score in the 501-550 marks bracket. Over 2,22,522 students scored between 451-500 marks. 

As per rules, students need to secure at least 35 marks to pass the SSLC exam. Since this year, board exams could not be held. Students will be marked based on alternative assessment criteria which will include the performance of the student throughout the year as well as their past year performances.

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The boys' candidates in the General Stream are 3,49,449 and the girls' candidates in the General Stream are 4,15,144. For the vocational stream, around 31,051 boys appeared and over at the same time around 20,829 girls appeared. The composition of the school candidates in boys are 3,80,500 and girls are 4,35,973.