CBSE Board Exam 2021: No need to worry CBSE class 10 class 12 board exam students who are not able to attend for the CBSE practical because of being infected with COVID-19. As per a PTI report, the CBSE has announced that the infected students will get another chance to appear for the exam before June 11, 2021.


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There has been a recent upsurge in the number of COVID-19 cases across the country. Amidst such a scenario, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has instructed the affiliated schools to reconduct the practical exams for COVID-19 positive candidates, but only when the time is appropriate.

Earlier, the CBSE had allowed the class 10 class 12 board exam candidates to change their exam as well as their practical centres keeping in view the recent rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in the country. The CBSE issued a letter to all the principals and heads of CBSE affiliated schools that stated, "It has come to the notice of the board that because of Covid-19 pandemic, students of classes 10, 12, along with their families, have shifted to some other city or country and therefore, they are unable to appear in the practical/ theory exam from the school/ exam centre where the students are registered for the boards examination."

The class 10 class 12 CBSE board exam candidates could have requested a change in the exam/practical centre till March 25, 2021.

The CBSE Exam Controller Sanyam Bhardwaj stated, “If any candidate is absent in practical exam because of being COVID positive or any family member tests positive, school will conduct practical examination for such candidates at an appropriate time in consultation with regional authority by June 11.”

The CBSE practical exams have started from March. The written exams for CBSE class 10 class 12 board exam candidates are set to commence from May 4, 2021 and will continue till June.

Nevertheless, in this situation when several CBSE board exam candidates were not able to appear for the practical exams due to the COVID-19 infection, this announcement by CBSE will definitely bring some relief among the CBSE class 10 class 12 board exam candidates.