As part of its focus on Indo-Pacific region, the US department of Commerce today announced to hold one of its flagship events in India next year.


Trade Winds: India will take place in New Delhi in the spring of 2019, the Department of Commerce announced, the day the Trump Administration unleashed a series of initiatives addressed at development and infrastructure projects of countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

It will be a conference and trade mission to India and other surrounding countries where US exporters will meet with decisionmakers on opportunities they have learned about at DGM (Discover Global Markets) and Access Asia events, the Commerce Department said.

The DGM focused on Indo-Pacific will take place in Salt Lake City, on December 10-12. It will highlight opportunities for US exporters in Asia. It will also kick-off recruitment for the Trade Winds: India, an official release said.

Also the Trade Winds: Hong Kong is intended to take place in Hong Kong in the spring of 2020. It would bring US exporters back to Asia to close deals and explore more opportunities, it said.

According to the Department of Commerce, these events are part of the Department's Access Asia programme a new export promotion framework to increase US trade and investment in the Indo-Pacific region.

'Access Asia' is a series of 25 trade promotion outreach events in cities across the US that is sequential, multi-year, data and opportunity driven, and optimises US government resources, it said.

Noting that each event is an incremental effort feeding into the larger framework, the department said the seven successful events that have already taken place in Houston, San Francisco, San Diego, Portland, Pittsburgh, Fargo, and Oklahoma City build up to the newly announced events.

Using its trade data, it has identified US cities and sectors (like energy, aviation/defence, information and communication technology, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing) with export growth potential.

Its foreign officers attend each Access Asia event to highlight the specific, actionable opportunities in their markets.


(This article has not been edited by Zeebiz editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)