Bodybuilding is a journey that demands both physical dedication and careful consideration of the aids used along the way. While injectable steroids are known for their effectiveness in delivering testosterone quickly and directly into the bloodstream, they come with their own set of challenges.


These challenges include potential liver strain and, for those uneasy with needles, the risk associated with intramuscular injections – which, if done improperly, can lead to severe consequences including paralysis or even death.

However, the world of bodybuilding supplements offers alternatives.

Oral steroids present a convenient and less-risky option, especially when it comes to liver health. This article delves into the seven best oral steroids currently popular in the bodybuilding community, suitable for various goals, whether it's bulking up or cutting down.


Anadrol, also known by its chemical name Oxymetholone, is a potent steroid derived from DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It is highly regarded in the bodybuilding community for its remarkable effectiveness in mass gain. Originally developed for medical purposes, Anadrol was prescribed for assisting in weight gain post surgery, recovery from burns, and even in treating conditions like osteoporosis and certain hormonal imbalances.

This steroid has a reputation for being a powerhouse in the realm of muscle growth.

One of the key aspects of Anadrol is its efficacy in gaining weight and enhancing strength. Users have reported gaining up to 30 pounds, along with a significant increase in strength levels. Despite its powerful effects, Anadrol is often recognised as one of the less toxic steroids, with the severity of side effects largely dependent on the dosage.

However, its cost remains on the higher side compared to other steroids. Anadrol is known to be hepatotoxic, meaning it can cause liver damage. This is evident through elevated levels of liver enzymes like AST and ALT in liver function tests. To mitigate this, users often supplement with TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid), which has shown effectiveness in reducing hepatic damage.

Interestingly, Anadrol finds its use among men’s physique athletes, especially before competitions. It is used to increase muscle fullness, and with a low-sodium diet, users manage to maintain muscle definition by minimising fluid retention. This is crucial because a combination of high estrogen levels and diets rich in sodium can lead to bloating.

Despite its muscle-building prowess, Anadrol also has a significant impact on heart health. It can cause cardiac hypertrophy and an increase in blood pressure. For bulking purposes, it is often cycled alone or stacked with other steroids like Trenbolone, Testosterone, or Deca Durabolin for enhanced mass and strength gain. However, caution is advised to avoid combining it with other hepatotoxic compounds to prevent exacerbating liver damage.

In treating advanced steroid users, dosages as high as 100 mg/day have been administered, with Anadrol cycles extending up to 8 weeks. To counter potential side effects like gynecomastia, SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) are found to be effective. They work by inhibiting estrogen’s effects at the receptor level. This is particularly important as Anadrol does not aromatise, meaning it does not convert testosterone into estrogen, rendering aromatase inhibitors ineffective in managing estrogen-related side effects in the case of Anadrol use.


Superdrol, known chemically as Methasterone, stands out as one of the most potent anabolic steroids available, renowned for its remarkable capacity to significantly enhance muscular strength and size. It's a compound that truly validates its name, with effects that are both rapid and pronounced.

Often described by patients as the oral equivalent of Trenbolone, Superdrol is notable for inducing rapid changes in body composition, characterised by 'dry' muscle gains. Unlike many other steroids, Superdrol does not convert into estrogen. This lack of aromatisation is a distinctive feature, making it a unique choice for bulking. Consequently, the weight gained during a Superdrol cycle is largely retained post-cycle, as it doesn't lead to increases in extracellular water retention.

Superdrol is particularly popular among advanced steroid users aiming to elevate their physique while maintaining maximum muscle definition. Its ability to add lean muscle tissue and bring about substantial improvements in strength is often striking, even to experienced steroid users.

However, the potency of Superdrol comes with significant risks. It is notoriously hepatotoxic, placing an extreme strain on the liver. Moreover, it can cause severe elevations in blood pressure and is known for high levels of cardiotoxicity. These factors make Superdrol one of the more dangerous steroids, often compared to 'dropping a bomb on your liver' in the bodybuilding community. As such, it is highly advised that beginner steroid users avoid Superdrol.

In addition to liver and cardiac concerns, the risk of physical injury is heightened when using Superdrol. This is due to the drastic and rapid increase in strength levels, which can lead to overexertion and potential injuries like ruptured hernias.

Therefore, bodybuilders are cautioned to be mindful of their limits when lifting heavy weights on a Superdrol cycle. Despite its effectiveness in building muscle and strength, the risks associated with Superdrol necessitate a cautious and informed approach, particularly considering the potential need for emergency medical intervention in cases of severe adverse reactions.


Dianabol, known scientifically as methandrostenolone, stands as one of the most widely used oral anabolic steroids in both contemporary times and historical contexts. Its popularity soared in the 1970s, especially among classic bodybuilders, for its remarkable ability to add significant mass in the off-season. A notable example of its effectiveness is seen in a famous Austrian bodybuilder from that era, who reportedly used Dianabol in combination with Deca Durabolin to achieve a dominating presence on the Olympia stage.

In terms of its effects, Dianabol shares similarities with Anadrol. It is recognised as a potent muscle-building agent, but it also exhibits hepatotoxic and estrogenic characteristics. One of the notable differences with Dianabol is its reduced androgenic effects. This is attributed to the lower activity of the 5α-reductase enzyme in Dianabol, which decreases the conversion of testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). As a result, users experience fewer issues related to prostate enlargement, androgenic alopecia (hair loss), and acne vulgaris.

When it comes to cycling Dianabol, it can be used alone by intermediate users or stacked with other bulking steroids by advanced users. However, it's crucial to avoid combining Dianabol with other hepatotoxic oral steroids like Anadrol, Superdrol, or Winstrol to prevent excessive liver strain.

A significant aspect of Dianabol is its tendency to aromatize, meaning it converts into estrogen. This can lead to the onset of gynecomastia, for which a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) such as Tamoxifen may be used as a preventive measure. SERMs are often preferred over AIs (Aromatase Inhibitors) in this context, as AIs can negatively impact blood lipids, increasing the risk of hypertension.

Dianabol's enduring popularity in the bodybuilding world is a testament to its effectiveness in muscle building. However, its usage demands careful consideration of its side effects and a well-planned approach to mitigate potential risks, particularly regarding liver health and hormonal balance.

Testosterone Undecanoate

Testosterone Undecanoate, commonly known as Andriol or by its brand name Testocaps, offers a unique oral form of testosterone, differing significantly from the typical injectable forms of the hormone. Unlike most oral steroids, Testosterone Undecanoate is suspended in an oil-based capsule, which allows for a distinctive absorption method through the lymphatic system. This unique route of administration effectively bypasses the liver, substantially reducing the risk of hepatotoxicity, a common concern with other oral steroids.

For optimal absorption, it is recommended to consume Testosterone Undecanoate with 20 grams of dietary fat. This requirement is crucial as its bioavailability is notably low when taken on an empty stomach. This is in contrast to other oral steroids, which are typically c-17 alpha-alkylated and are best consumed without food to maximise their effects. The reason behind this difference lies in the solubility characteristics of most oral steroids, which can be compromised by the presence of dietary fats in the gastrointestinal tract.

Testosterone, in general, is considered one of the safest steroids, maintaining its FDA approval for the treatment of hypogonadism. Due to its milder nature compared to other steroids, a cycle of testosterone alone is often the choice for beginners, yielding significant increases in muscle mass.

The preference for injectable testosterone among bodybuilders is largely influenced by its cost-effectiveness, being available at a much lower price than its undecanoate counterpart. However, for those who can afford it, Testosterone Undecanoate can produce comparable results in muscle mass gain, with increases of 20–30 lbs being achievable.

An additional advantage of oral Testosterone Undecanoate over injectable forms is the rapidity of its effects. Serum testosterone levels are observed to peak just 5 hours after the first dose. This is significantly quicker than the popular injectable options, Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate, which are slow-acting with half-lives of approximately 8 days.

Winstrol (Stanozolol)

Winstrol, known scientifically as Stanozolol, ranks as the second most popular oral steroid, trailing only behind Dianabol. Its primary use in the bodybuilding community is as a cutting agent. Winstrol's distinct advantage lies in its ability to promote fat burning while simultaneously enhancing lean muscle tissue.

This dual action is largely due to its profound effect on lowering SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) levels, which, in turn, increases the levels of free testosterone in the body. Testosterone bound to SHBG is essentially inactive, so lower SHBG means more active testosterone, which is crucial for muscle building and fat reduction.

Winstrol is often regarded as the ideal 'beach body' steroid. It not only facilitates a lower body fat percentage but also possesses diuretic properties due to its non-aromatising nature. Users often experience a 'dry' physique with pronounced vascularity. However, a notable downside of Winstrol, as observed in our experience, is a decrease in muscle fullness, attributed to reduced glycogen and intracellular fluid in muscle cells.

Its ability to improve body composition without significant weight gain also makes Winstrol a favoured steroid among athletes. However, like other potent oral steroids, Winstrol comes with risks of hepatic strain and hypertension. Additionally, its diuretic effects can exacerbate joint inflammation, leading to discomfort or pain in some users.

Anavar (Oxandrolone)

Anavar, or Oxandrolone, is a milder anabolic steroid, often incorporated into cutting cycles. Similar to Winstrol, Anavar is capable of yielding lean muscle gains while aiding in fat loss. A notable aspect of Anavar is its effectiveness in reducing both visceral and subcutaneous fat levels, a contrast to other steroids which typically lower subcutaneous fat but may increase visceral fat, often resulting in a bloated look.

The mechanism behind Anavar's fat-burning capability is linked to its positive impact on insulin sensitivity and the elevation of T3 levels (triiodothyronine), a hormone essential in regulating fat and metabolism. While Anavar may not produce dramatic mass gains compared to steroids like Anadrol or Dianabol, its mild nature and high tolerance make it a preferred choice for both men and women prioritising safety.

Although Anavar's contribution to lean mass and weight gain is moderate, it is particularly effective in enhancing muscular strength. This attribute has made Anavar a popular choice among powerlifters and combat athletes under our care, as it allows them to gain strength without moving up a weight class. Its balance of safety and effectiveness in strength enhancement makes Anavar a unique and valuable steroid in cutting cycles.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the world of oral steroids offers a diverse range of compounds, each with its own unique properties and applications. From the mass-building power of Anadrol and Dianabol to the cutting efficacy of Winstrol and Anavar, these steroids have proven their worth in the realms of bodybuilding and athletic performance.

Testosterone Undecanoate stands out for its safety profile and ease of use, making it a viable choice for those seeking the benefits of testosterone without the harsher side effects.

However, it's crucial to remember that while these steroids can provide significant advantages, they also come with potential risks. Hepatotoxicity, cardiovascular strain, and hormonal imbalances are serious considerations. Responsible use, including proper dosing, cycle planning, and the incorporation of protective measures such as SERMs or TUDCA, is essential.

Moreover, understanding each steroid's specific attributes and how they align with your personal goals is key to achieving success while minimising risks. Ultimately, whether you're a seasoned bodybuilder, an athlete looking for performance enhancement, or a newcomer to the world of anabolic steroids, informed decision-making, thorough research, and a cautious approach are your best tools.



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