May 29, 2023, 10:42 AM IST

8 jobs ChatGPT may replace

Bhawna Gupta

Image: Pixabay

Bhawna Gupta

ChatGPT and AI technologies are still in the development phase but they have already started posing a threat to human jobs. There are several jobs where ChatGPT can replace humans.

Interpretators and translators

As the use of artificial intelligence escalates, ChatGPT is casting a shadow over guiding people through cities, helping them not get lost, and translating for them.


AI, in general, is capable of undertaking a wide amount of creative endeavours from small poems to writing full-fledged stories.

Web Designers

Instead of using a rigid template, web developers are now using ChatGPT, which can write full-fledged website code in multiple programming languages.

Accountants and Auditors

From simple Excel formulas, automating small tasks, and market research to anything financially complex, AI can do all of it.


By effortlessly explaining topics to students and solving difficult mathematical equations, ChatGPT has proven itself to be helpful while covering everything.

Graphic Designers

There are tons of free AI that can help people create and streamline design ideas. ChatGPT is capable of producing a beautiful and quite usable series of images and hence will slowly reduce the need for a graphic designer.  

Customer Service Agents

Capable of answering a wide variety of questions, AI can easily hold multiple conversations with people without spazzing out.


Almost every AI chatbot can now read, proofread, and even edit all kinds of content online.