Gratuity Calculator: Rs 35,000 as last-drawn basic salary, 6 years and 3 months of service; find out your gratuity amount
Let’s find out what will be your gratuity amount with Rs 35,000 as the last-drawn salary in the service period of 6 years, and 3 months. Understand it through the calculations.
Gratuity is a bonus given to employees for their long service. To be eligible, you need to work for 5 years of uninterrupted service. The amount is paid when you leave or retire, based on how long you worked. For example, let's calculate the gratuity for an employee who last earned a basic salary of Rs 35,000 and worked for 6 years and 3 months.
Photos source: Pixabay/Representational
(Disclaimer: Our calculations are projections and not investment advice. Do your due diligence or consult an expert for financial planning)
What is gratuity?

Length of service

What are the eligibility criteria for gratuity?

Other conditions in which one can get gratuity?

Organisational criteria for gratuity

How service years are counted

What are the factors that determine the gratuity amount?

Can a company opt out of the Payment of Gratuity Act?

Formula to calculate gratuity