UPPSC Recruitment 2018: Apply for Group B posts; check uppsc.up.nic.in

UPPSC Recruitment 2018: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has issued a notification to recruit in the Group B Posts. The last date for submission of the application form is November 30, 2018. The applicants may apply in the prescribed format for these posts.
The candidates must go through the official notification before applying for these posts. The official notification is available on uppsc.up.nic.in. The candidates have to make sure that they fulfil all the requisite criteria for these jobs.
UPPSC Recruitment 2018: Vacancy details:
There are 21 Group B posts open for recruitment.
Educational Qualification
The candidates should hold a Degree from recognised university or equivalent. For further details about the qualification, the candidates may visit the official website.
Age Limit
The candidates should be between 30 years and 45 years of age. Age relaxation will be applicable according to the government rules.
Selection Process
The candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in interview.
Application Process
The candidates have to apply through ONLINE mode only. They may apply via uppsc.up.nic.in.
Note: The applicants should apply early to avoid last-minute rush. They should be careful while filling up the application form. Any error or mistake may lead to the cancellation of the application. The applicants should keep all the required documents at hand so that they do not put any wrong information on the application.
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05:34 PM IST